Category Archives: Khador

Khador Army Miniatures

Vlad3, the Dark Knight Rises!

Well folks, here’s Vlad3 done up in all his monochromatic glory for the Feat of Service silent auction!

Not much more to say really…What do y’all think?

And don’t forget to get your raffle tickets or donate! The Feat of Service event takes place this Saturday, June 7th!

Vlad, the Dark Knight cometh!

The Feat of Service event is coming up soon, and I’ve been tapped to paint a model donated by Fairfax Comics & Gaming for the silent auction.

That model is Vlad3.

Vlad has been know as the Dark Prince, the Dark Champion, and then his cavalry version went and mucked things up by naming him The Great Prince of Umbrey. Couldn’t even make him the Great Dark Prince of Umbrey or the Dark Horselord or something.

I’m fixing that folks. Well…in color scheme anyway…

vlad3 wip
“This isn’t my horse…”

He’s still in the very early stages, but the armor idea is pretty much there.  He has a very dark plate, but there are little twinges of Sanguine and blue that don’t quite come across that well in these pics, but has a very chroma-shift type effect in person.  I also tried to give the armor a very hammered look and texture rather than the typical slick colored inlays of the studio model.  You know, something really befitting of an ancient suit of armor.

You can see the color twinges a bit better in this pic...
You can see the color twinges a bit better in this pic…

This Saturday is the going to be the day I try and knock him out so that I can make sure that he’ll be ready in time for Feat of Service. Stay tuned and don’t forget to get your donations in, you can win some really cool stuff (and bid on this Vlad-fully painted of course)!


Saying goodbye to old komrades & the start of something new…

Yes, the time has come to sadly bid adieu to the Motherland…

My Khador has been sitting on the shelf for the past year or so and my interest has waned in them and shifted towards other factions and/or games.  Plus I’m a full fledged Menite now.  So my Khador has hit the chopping block.  After a sale of the whole lot fell through, I’ve begun to piece out the army.  Some is already en route to some local hands, but the others are up for grabs.

If you are interested, you can have a look at the bartertown post here, and either contact me there or here through the form on the this page.

Well, now that the somber part of this post is done, let’s have a look at some new projects I’m starting on.  Shall we?

Continue reading Saying goodbye to old komrades & the start of something new…

I don’t wanna work, I just want to swing my giant axe all day!

pButcher AKA da Man.
You can almost here him whistle while he works…

This is a little late in coming, but I’m working on getting all my completed models photographed and posted.  Today we have Mr. Orsus AKA The Butcher.  I’ve already mused about the man and the model before.  None of that has changed.  In fact, with each game I think I like him more.  And I think this is one of the best models I’ve ever done!

I don't wanna work, I just want to swing my giant axe all day!
I don’t wanna work, I just want to swing my giant axe all day!

This one made it to April’s Paint the Target over at Lost Hemisphere and here’s what G’Day had to say about it:

VoltRon kicks down the door with Butcher wearing possibly the cleanest armor he’s ever seen fit to don. Stormtrooper inspired? I love the high contrast between the white and the blacks and oranges.



On the eve of eeVlad…


…eVlad is completed!

I’ve only had one game with Mr. Shoulder Pads and i think it was because that he was still not finished at the time is why he didn’t do so well.  That and Saeryn shuts down Khador hardcore :/  Oh well.   Now that he’s painted, he’s ready to win me some games!

I actually like this sculpt, yes, even with the massive shoulder pads.  I like it SO much more that pVlad’s.  Welp, that’s two versions of Vlad I have painted.  I  guess that just leaves…


Vlad the Dark Champion WIP, finally…

Ah it feels good to be painting with passion again. I’m still plugging away at my Iron Fangs and Assassins but it’s hard, especially knowing that in a few weeks they are going to be shelved for the time being while I partake in a dalliance with the Protectorate of Menoth.

I got eVlad sometime right before my wedding and he’s been sitting in pieces since, unable to make the table. Well no more! I crank put a lot on him in a very short time last night. Seriously in a few hours this is what I got. Not bad if I say so meself.

Now, you’ll know I’m no fan of pVlad. I don’t like his sculpt and I don’t like playing him. But eVlad seems to be just what the Old Witch ordered just from looking at his spells and feat. It should suit my infantry heavy style quite well. Also this model has really grown on me seeing it in person. I was hoping to have him done by tonight’s gaming night, but looks like I’ll be missing it due to another commitment, so eVlad should be done tonight and ready for next week!

eVlad WIP
Better cape and I even like his ridiculous shoulder pads this time.

Group Picture Day! What my Khador looks like @ about 85% completely painted!

Getting the Khadoran gang together!
Getting the Khadoran gang together!

Sorry for the hiatus, but this is what I’ve been working on!  All that’s left is:

  • 3.5-ish Iron Fang Pikemen
  • Eliminators Unit
  • 5 Kayazy Assassins & Underboss
  • pSorscha
  • eVlad
  • Man-o-War Shocktrooper arms

Our group’s slow grow league starts on June 16th and I’ll be rolling with Menoth for it, so I have until then to finish painting those!

Oh and feel free to show off your army shots in the comments!  I’d love to see them!

EDIT:  Here’s a pic I found of them from 3 months ago!

Atteeenn-tion! Kommandant Irusk is on the field!

Kommandant Irusk
At ease men...

Finally got around to taking pics of my Kommandant Irusk even though I’ve been fielding him for some months now (can I still blame it on my wedding?  Yeah, let’s do that…).  I’ll have some more of the others that I painted awhile ago but never got around to posting :/  My bad.

The color scheme on this one was what re-invigorated my Khador and shifted it’s overall color scheme slightly as you can tell if you look at the models since him.  There are more hints of black and red.  Mostly black.

Plus he was one of the first where I think I did a very good job in trying to keep the paint job clean and precise.

Gallery and play thoughts after the break…

Continue reading Atteeenn-tion! Kommandant Irusk is on the field!

The Great Bears of Gallowswood! For when you absolutely need something dead…

∑Sorry for the delay…these guys were done last year but I guess I just forgot to take pictures of them…
The Great Bears of Gallowswood!
The Great Bears of Gallowswood!

These guys…what a bunch of badasses.  Their stats are awesome, their fluff is awesome and their models are awesome.

The Great Bears was a unit I was very excited to get.  I just love their backstory and what they bring to the table (pure destruction).  When I got them, I pretty much put everything else aside and got to work painting them.  Surprisingly enough, I had a tough time figuring out a way to incorporate my color scheme to these guys (and subsequently, their Iron Fang brethren).  They were also a lot harder to paint than I thought they would be.  So much so, that I’ve become very hesitant to get to work on my Iron Fangs, as it took me almost a month to finish the Bears, I can only imagine how long it will take me to finish 12 Iron Fangs.

The Great Bears of Gallowswood!
The Great Bears of Gallowswood!

Of note, is that on each one I gave a different colored bear. I love little touches like that.

The Butcher would like to axe you a few questions…[WIP]

The Butcher, almost done in a day. Not bad...
The Butcher, almost done in a day. Not bad...

This is what happens when you perform well in a game for me!  You get a one way ticket to the painting table!  Let that be a lesson to you warcasters…

While updating the Model List, I realized that I had gotten a pButcher way back in a trade, but he was still in his baggie, bare metal as could be.  Knowing that my next match was against Legion of Everblight, I thought that he would be a good caster against them with his troop buffs and being able to run at least 2 warjacks.  I was a little wary however, as I’ve never used him.

Continue reading The Butcher would like to axe you a few questions…[WIP]