Whole army shot

Iron Fang Pikemen Officer and Standard Bearer and Kayazy Eliminators almost done!

Iron Fang Pikemen Officer and Standard Bearer
Iron Fang Pikemen Officer and Standard Bearer

Today I had a good amount of time to get some work done, so that I did!  I all but finished the UA for the IFP and I love the way the scheme turned out.  I wrestled with how to paint them for a while, and I guess that was just one of the reasons why I’ve been putting them off.  These actually went by much faster than I thought (another reason I was putting them off), so maybe doing a full unit won’t be so bad.  I have still yet to brass rod them all so the other arms are just for show in the pics right now (you can spy the blue tac).

I also decided to keep them at as regular IFP rather than the Black Dragons, because while I like the Black Dragon shields and banner more, the mini-feat was what decided it for me.  I feel the extra movement would have more uses generally than an +4 ARM for a turn.

On to the Eliminators.

Ahh, the Eliminators, how I love thee (until I face them that is).  These ladies are done minus their faces and some highlights on the capes.  I attempted eyes on them about 4-5 times now, but it always looks terrible.  I don’t think I have a brush with a point small enough for the task yet.  Maybe I need a 000 (3/0/0)?

Oh and I forgot to mention, I am getting another pair of Eliminators.  Muahahaha.


3 thoughts on “Iron Fang Pikemen Officer and Standard Bearer and Kayazy Eliminators almost done!”

  1. Nice to see them coming together! There are a few ways to do eyes, you just need to find which way works for you. You might just need a brush with a good tip instead of a smaller brush. I use a W&N 1 or 0 (I forget and tend to mix them) for painting eyes, but both brushes have really nice pointed tips. Huzzah Hobbies has some in stock if you want to buy one locally (so to speak).

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