Gaming Thoughts – The many ways to play Infinity

Some great thoughts on playing Infinity that really echo how I feel about the game.


With the recent surge of interest in Infinity in my local area and in the #warmongers movement on Twitter lately, I figured I’d discuss some of the many ways that people can play Infinity.

Back in August last year, my regular opponent, friend and painter-extraordinaire Darren gave his thoughts about some of the different ways there are to play Infinity. Since it’s been about 6 months since he wrote that article, we’ve had a bit more experience, and I thought I’d expand a little on his thoughts.

First of all, let me just state that there is certainly no right or wrong way to go about playing Infinity, and different groups of players will have different viewpoints on this matter, but this is how myself, Darren and our other regular opponent Adam have all come to really enjoy playing the game and not get bored of it.

“Get to…

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2 thoughts on “Gaming Thoughts – The many ways to play Infinity”

Give me a piece of your mind (mmm your delicious, delicious mind...).